Matthew "Juniper" Barlett

Matthew "Juniper" Barlett (emeraldinspirations)

PHP Developer

About Me

PHP Developer since 2009. Before that: VB (4.0 - 2005), QBasic, Basic. Here to learn collaboration skills, contribute to the community, and showcase my work.

Contributions to open source projects


Suggested fix for issue #4385

Add an additional if...then condition in the autoloader that searches for the respective versioned extension (.php3, .php4, .php5, .php7) when the default extension (.php) is not found..

See: Issue #4385 - Autoload different files for a class for different PHP-Versions
* The functionality required spans multiple PHP versions and relies on a constant that is set by the framework. Unit tests can not effectively simulate different PHP versions.

Fix for issue #5631

Add " ( and ) as valid characters in author name

See: Issue #5631 - Composer init not accepting my name (similar to issue #3948)
See: Issue #3948 - Composer init Author name not valid.

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